lundi 28 septembre 2009


This is the logo of the "EDL"  but what does it stand for ? Do you remember ?!!

Describe it for tomorrow , justifying the choice for such a logo .

Don't forget  to revise how to be a teacher  as well. ...

See you tomorrow
Mrs Jules

mardi 22 septembre 2009

So, why is English useful ?!!!

Yes ? Why ?!!
Some of you said that it was useful to travel, get a job ,etc
Not to mention to save lives !!!
Watch these two commercials again

Be ready for a "PPC " about why  English is  useful and where it is spoken.
Don't forget to use link words AND gap fillers . Practise for 2 minutes in front of your mirrorin the bathroom , with your brother, mother or goldfish !    

lundi 21 septembre 2009

Where is English spoken ? Why is it useful ?

Today we've seen that English is the third most widely-spoken language ! (yesssssss !) It is spoken in 104 countries  !!

We've also seen where it is spoken . If you want to have another  look ath the map and pieces of information, click on the following link.

Besides, there's no doubt English can be a very useful language .... We'll see that tomorrow in more details .

 In the meanwhile, I advise you to read this newspaper article to realize that  understanding a language is very important.
You have to sum up this article for tomorrow .

lundi 14 septembre 2009


Today , we've seen  some people who don't want to go back to school , such as Nancy :
or this poor teacher who is picked on by his pupils ....

However there are some people who are very happy ....
Yes mums !!!!
What about you , what are your feelings about going back to school ?  
Do you feel sad and depressed?  
Anxious and worried  ?  
Happy and confident?!!

Try to list the pros and the cons of going back to school , using gap fillers and link words of course !

mardi 8 septembre 2009

Classroom English

    Today , we've seen some Classroom English expressions which you'll have to learn by heart.
Next Monday, we'll play The Game of the Goose and we may even do role playing games...

     J'ai envoyé à ceux d'entre vous qui ont une adresse e.mail une worksheet  ( Classroom English CO) avec des exercices de compréhension orale  ainsi que les fichiers oraux correspondants.
Vous pouvez télécharger ces derniers ici: 
 Soit vous m'envoyez la worksheet pour samedi  soit vous me la rapportez vendredi en salle 104.

See you soon   !!
Mrs Jules