mardi 15 décembre 2009

Christmas !!

Many thanks to Victoire and Julie for their oral presentation on Christmas today.( and thanks for the sweets!!!)  Here are a few photos.

If you want to know more about Christmas, you should go here :

Why not do these quizzes too ?!!

Merry Xmas !!

mardi 8 décembre 2009

A Christmas Carol

Here are 4 links to watch another very nice and faithful version of this famous Christmas tale :
Part 1 :
Part 2 :
Part 3 :
Part 4 :

Enjoy !!

lundi 7 décembre 2009

Jean Monnet's House

Today , we visited Jean Monnet's house in Houjarray ( Bazoche-sur-Guyonne)

Jean Monnet who, as you all know better now,  is one of the founders of Europe ( not to be mistaken with the painter Claude Monet !!)
We listened to a great talk by a nice lecturer on how the E U was ( sorry  is !! ) being built.
Here are a few photos of our visit .

No doubt Mylène has found his bedroom/study interesting !!!

Don't hesitate to post comments and tell what you thought of this visit ( In English of course !!)
Have you learnt anything new and interesting  ?

mercredi 2 décembre 2009


Yesterday , we listened to a talk by Mylène and Mathilde about Thanksgiving.
To know a bit more about this American celebration., you can watch these two videos

lundi 30 novembre 2009


Yesterday we saw how limericks are formed  ( remember AABBA !)
There are many limericks in Edward Lear's Book of Nonsense ; Here are two of them.  Enjoy !

There was an Old Man with a beard,  

Who said, 'It is just as I feared!

Two Owls and a Hen,

Four Larks and a Wren,

Have all built their nests in my beard!'  
There was a Young Lady whose chin,

Resembled the point of a pin;

So she had it made sharp,

And purchased a harp,

And played several tunes with her chin  
There was an Old Man of Kilkenny,

Who never had more than a penny;

He spent all that money,

In onions and honey,

That wayward Old Man of Kilkenny.

vendredi 27 novembre 2009


Here are your logos together with the texts
You are not allowed to vote but you can post your comments to tell what you think of them !!

Text1 - Logo 1
This logo represents France and UK. In the middle we can see a giant four for the 4eme. On the left, we can see UK and on it a little man Who is holding the UK flag. There is another little man, on the right who is holding the French flag. They are saying "Hi" and "Salut" in their own languages. We've chosen this logo because it symbolizes our correspondence with pen friends from another country. It represents the importance of English because we can talk with everybody. It shows our class too: the European class.

Text 2 - Logo2
At the bottom, in the foreground, there are pupils who represent the French pupils and there is France in the background. At the top, there is a board, and on this board there is the United Kingdom, which represents the English class. On the left of the board, there is a teacher, he represents the English teachers. On the left, we can see the United Kingdom flag and on the right, we can see the French flag. In the middle, the handshake located between the flag of France and the Union-jack, symbolizes the union between France and England. This union is possible because French children learn English (and conversely) and contribute to the relationship between these two peoples. When we speak English, we can travel more easily and meet foreign people, and find news friends.

Logo3 - Text 3
According to us, this logo evokes many things which represent the euro class.
First, the correspondence which joins some London pupils and us, through the first two letters mixing our cities: “L” and “R”. The two characters who are bearing the letters of our cities show that, too : they are united. What is more, they are holding a post between them to also bring to the fore the euro class’ correspondence
Secondly, on the top of the “R”, two flags, the Union Jack and the French flag, are represented. Moreover, we can see the twelve stars of the European Union between them. Thus, it shows our union. In fact, we can guess the two flags make just one: that of the European Union. On top of that, we have chosen the European motto, ''United in Diversity'', to refer this topic, too.
Last but not least, there is another reason which explains our choice. The Union Jack fills a large part of the top of the “R”. So, we wanted to illustrate the importance of English.
To sum up, we'd like to say this logo evokes almost everything about the great euro class of this year and the next one according to us.

Logo 4- Text 4

In euro class we talk about the history, harmony and languages in England.
To improve our general knowledge, this year we'll do presentation about festivals in the United Kingdom and you can see these in this site because our English European teacher has filmed us
We'll speak English more often and we'll correspond with English students who come from the south of London to improve our English.
And you, you can make progress in English if you read our site.
And don't forget: «The world seems to us less big if we share our cultures and languages.»

Logo5-Text 5

First we can see two maps which represent France and the United Kingdom ; in the middle, there is a plane which is going from France to The United Kingdom, on the plane , there is the topic : EURO 4 . We have chosen this picture because the plane represents us when we’re going to the UK to see our pen friends. There are two maps because France represents us and the UK represents our pen friends.

mardi 17 novembre 2009

What does European citizenship mean to you ?

Yesterday we revised about the European Union and saw what European citizenship meant to some teachers ...
What about you ? Do you feel a European citizen ? Why yes ? Why no?
You'll have to prepare a one or two-minute speech on this topic for Monday 23rd .
To help you here is the link where you can listen to the teachers again.
Don't forget to use gap fillers and to have your ideas organized by using linking words.
You will not be allowed to write complete sentences , just notes....

mercredi 11 novembre 2009

Remember, Remember, the 5th of November ... Guy Fawkes

Yesterday we listened to a great talk by Adam on Bonfire Night
Here he is :

If you want to know more about Guy Fawkes night, I advise you to visit this site and click on the talking cards to get the full story.
If you go over the heads with the mouse, you'll even hear the famous nursery rhyme.
Otherwise, you'll find a very useful slideshow on the site of the school .
Enjoy !!

mercredi 4 novembre 2009


We've listened to a great talk on Halloween by Alice and Diane .
Here are some photos ( thank you Mathilde!)
If you  couldn't understand it all and/or if you were mesmerized by their performance and if you want to revise about this Celtic celebration , go to
Don't forget , there's a small test on it ....

lundi 19 octobre 2009

The European Union

Today, we've seen how the European Union was built.
Here is an interesting and easy-reading site to broaden your knowledge  of the EU
Click here to learn the European countries and their capitals

lundi 5 octobre 2009

The European Day of Languages

Today , we've seen what the  European Day of Languages is ...
You'll have to remember the little facts about languages. To help you ,  a little quiz here :
And why not train your ear by playing this game again  ?!!


lundi 28 septembre 2009


This is the logo of the "EDL"  but what does it stand for ? Do you remember ?!!

Describe it for tomorrow , justifying the choice for such a logo .

Don't forget  to revise how to be a teacher  as well. ...

See you tomorrow
Mrs Jules

mardi 22 septembre 2009

So, why is English useful ?!!!

Yes ? Why ?!!
Some of you said that it was useful to travel, get a job ,etc
Not to mention to save lives !!!
Watch these two commercials again

Be ready for a "PPC " about why  English is  useful and where it is spoken.
Don't forget to use link words AND gap fillers . Practise for 2 minutes in front of your mirrorin the bathroom , with your brother, mother or goldfish !    

lundi 21 septembre 2009

Where is English spoken ? Why is it useful ?

Today we've seen that English is the third most widely-spoken language ! (yesssssss !) It is spoken in 104 countries  !!

We've also seen where it is spoken . If you want to have another  look ath the map and pieces of information, click on the following link.

Besides, there's no doubt English can be a very useful language .... We'll see that tomorrow in more details .

 In the meanwhile, I advise you to read this newspaper article to realize that  understanding a language is very important.
You have to sum up this article for tomorrow .

lundi 14 septembre 2009


Today , we've seen  some people who don't want to go back to school , such as Nancy :
or this poor teacher who is picked on by his pupils ....

However there are some people who are very happy ....
Yes mums !!!!
What about you , what are your feelings about going back to school ?  
Do you feel sad and depressed?  
Anxious and worried  ?  
Happy and confident?!!

Try to list the pros and the cons of going back to school , using gap fillers and link words of course !

mardi 8 septembre 2009

Classroom English

    Today , we've seen some Classroom English expressions which you'll have to learn by heart.
Next Monday, we'll play The Game of the Goose and we may even do role playing games...

     J'ai envoyé à ceux d'entre vous qui ont une adresse e.mail une worksheet  ( Classroom English CO) avec des exercices de compréhension orale  ainsi que les fichiers oraux correspondants.
Vous pouvez télécharger ces derniers ici: 
 Soit vous m'envoyez la worksheet pour samedi  soit vous me la rapportez vendredi en salle 104.

See you soon   !!
Mrs Jules  

lundi 31 août 2009

Séquence n°1 : Speaking English

Nous allons commencer par l'année par nous interroger sur l'importance des langues en général et de  l'anglais en particulier  ....
Garfield , lui semble l'avoir compris ...
Et vous ? Vous devriez avoir quelques idées là-dessus puisque vous avez choisi d'être en section européenne anglais !!!
Cette séquence se découpera en 3 parties :
  • _  HOW  : Comment parle-ton anglais en classe ? Il sera interdit de prononcer un seul mot de français..    Autant s'y faire tout de suite ...  Pas d'inquiétude , vous pratiquerez en jouant au jeu de l'oie ( Game of the Goose)  Vous pouvez déjà vous y mettre  :
  • WHY ?   Why is it useful ?!!! 2 petites publicités devraient vous aider à répondre à cette question...
  • WHERE ? Where is English spoken ?  Vous pourriez avoir quelques surprises...

Nous visionnerons quelques petits cartoons sur la rentrée scolaire ( Back to School) et vous aurez alors l'occasion de faire vos premières PPC ( Prise de Parole en Continu) soit devant tout le monde, soit  en vous enregistrant sur une clé MP3.

 Nous finirons cette petite séquence par la création du logo de la classe européenne ( qui figurera sur ce blog, celui que nous partagerons avec les correspondants et sur le site du collège), en collaboration avec Mme Fortin qui révèlera vos talents artistiques ....